
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020


Discrimination comes in all kinds of people and forms, I think that we all have deal with that. But over the last years we have seen more radical movements against LGBTIQ+ community, feminism, color people, people that lives with HIV, and the list goes on and on.  From where does it come this hate? I mean the trans community what have done to deserve been kick out of the society?  The answer is the ignorance, some organization insist on point to the way of living and say “you are going to hell”, so which is the answer to the problem? How do we solve it? Giving an integral sexual education, that don’t just teach cis heterosexual people how does baby’s are born and how to have sex, because all that I’ve learned in school was to use a condom if a had sex with a girl. But life is more then that and with this I don’t mean , teaching kids to have sex at the age of 6, but to make them know that they can love whoever they want, be whoever they want and be whatever they want. But not all depend

My future job

 When I first enter to the university I remember that some teacher asked me in what I wanted to work, I had not even the slightest idea, so I started researching, and I’ve come to the decision that I want to work in research,  it would be a indoor work because I will need to spend most of my time in the lab or reading/writing papers, I think that it gives me the option of travel because I will need to attend to the conferences and maybe be invited to be part of a research. But mostly I imagine myself workin most of the time in a lab doing experiments to discover new medicine. I have not idea about the salary to be honest because it depends if I get the founds to do my research, if at the same time I do classes at the university, if my work is published, it depends on so many things that in very uncertain, but even knowing that I’m really decided that this is what I want.  For my mayor I would love to do one in biochemistry because I think that it gives me a better ground for investigat


 Since my childhood I’ve been obsessed with turtles, don’t ask me why. All started when my mom started working, and she gifted me two little turtles in a really little aquarium. After a week I decided to call them “Pinkie and Cerebro”, I know what you are thinking and the answer is yes, exactly as the cartoon, and in the night I used to imagine that they would plot to win the worlds domination, eventually they grew up, we needed every time a bigger aquarium, until my mother got bored of them and gifted them to my auntie. Then with the years I started to accumulate, stuffed turtles, decoration. I know some interesting facts like a turtle can preserve sperm inside them for 3 years so when they breed, they make the most eggs as possible. My dream is to swim with turtles some day in the open sea, and be surrounded by them. At the beginning of this year I even tattooed myself (the one in the picture is me when it was finished), because I think that the turtles now are an important part of m

Why i decided to be a pharmacist

 The common knowledge about this career is that you are gonna end up working at a pharmacy. But as a pharmacist one of the greatest advantage is that you can work in almost everything, you can devote yourself to research, be a teacher, be a forensic, work as a supervisor in a laboratory and the list continues. I choose it because I think that I can make a change in the society with the research that I will contribute to the society with some important discovery. Also one of the benefits of researching is that you decide if you want to start a new project and the you can travel a lot to conferences. But also I think that as a pharmacist you have a los (and I mean a lot) of responsibilities, because you are the one that’s on charge, you need to make sure that every product that goes out to the market has a perfect quality, you are responsable for so many things that making a mistake is not acceptable.