My future job

 When I first enter to the university I remember that some teacher asked me in what I wanted to work, I had not even the slightest idea, so I started researching, and I’ve come to the decision that I want to work in research,  it would be a indoor work because I will need to spend most of my time in the lab or reading/writing papers, I think that it gives me the option of travel because I will need to attend to the conferences and maybe be invited to be part of a research. But mostly I imagine myself workin most of the time in a lab doing experiments to discover new medicine. I have not idea about the salary to be honest because it depends if I get the founds to do my research, if at the same time I do classes at the university, if my work is published, it depends on so many things that in very uncertain, but even knowing that I’m really decided that this is what I want. 

For my mayor I would love to do one in biochemistry because I think that it gives me a better ground for investigation and that I will not be limited, but also I hope never stop learning because every day there is a new discovery, there’s new information, there’s a new paper to read.

  Also I would like to work outside of the country because here the science are so under payed, to win the found its not enough for you to be good, you need yo have years and years of research, and for someone that have just ended university is very difficult, so I would like to have more opportunity, and to make that possible I think that I will need to leave.


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