Why i decided to be a pharmacist

 The common knowledge about this career is that you are gonna end up working at a pharmacy. But as a pharmacist one of the greatest advantage is that you can work in almost everything, you can devote yourself to research, be a teacher, be a forensic, work as a supervisor in a laboratory and the list continues. I choose it because I think that I can make a change in the society with the research that I will contribute to the society with some important discovery. Also one of the benefits of researching is that you decide if you want to start a new project and the you can travel a lot to conferences. But also I think that as a pharmacist you have a los (and I mean a lot) of responsibilities, because you are the one that’s on charge, you need to make sure that every product that goes out to the market has a perfect quality, you are responsable for so many things that making a mistake is not acceptable.


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