
Discrimination comes in all kinds of people and forms, I think that we all have deal with that. But over the last years we have seen more radical movements against LGBTIQ+ community, feminism, color people, people that lives with HIV, and the list goes on and on.  From where does it come this hate? I mean the trans community what have done to deserve been kick out of the society? 
The answer is the ignorance, some organization insist on point to the way of living and say “you are going to hell”, so which is the answer to the problem? How do we solve it? Giving an integral sexual education, that don’t just teach cis heterosexual people how does baby’s are born and how to have sex, because all that I’ve learned in school was to use a condom if a had sex with a girl. But life is more then that and with this I don’t mean , teaching kids to have sex at the age of 6, but to make them know that they can love whoever they want, be whoever they want and be whatever they want. But not all depends on the new generations, also we need, and it’s imperative, to the others make the change, understand that what 10 years ago could be a joke, like talking about how much a teacher showed his body, could be a joke now it’s for many of us offensive and disrespectful, so the best way to avoid this kind of comments is to be inform and respect the other.


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