
 Since my childhood I’ve been obsessed with turtles, don’t ask me why. All started when my mom started working, and she gifted me two little turtles in a really little aquarium. After a week I decided to call them “Pinkie and Cerebro”, I know what you are thinking and the answer is yes, exactly as the cartoon, and in the night I used to imagine that they would plot to win the worlds domination, eventually they grew up, we needed every time a bigger aquarium, until my mother got bored of them and gifted them to my auntie. Then with the years I started to accumulate, stuffed turtles, decoration. I know some interesting facts like a turtle can preserve sperm inside them for 3 years so when they breed, they make the most eggs as possible. My dream is to swim with turtles some day in the open sea, and be surrounded by them.

At the beginning of this year I even tattooed myself (the one in the picture is me when it was finished), because I think that the turtles now are an important part of me, also I would like to adopt turtles again.


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